C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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Assembly Source File
310 lines
page 60,132
; h e r c a . a s m
; -----------------
; Low-level driver for the hercules monochrome graphics card.
; update history
; --------------
; May, 26. 1987 function "setbyte" added
; August, 16 1987 xor functionality added
; Written by Rainer Gerhards
; Petronellastr. 6
; D-5112 Baesweiler
; Phone (49) 2401 - 1601
include dos.mac
%out Info: Hercules graphics card driver selected.
VIDBASE equ 0b800h ; Videoram base address
MUL90 macro srcreg, zwsp, addreg
mov zwsp, srcreg
shl srcreg, 1 ; 2 *
add srcreg, zwsp ; 3 *
shl srcreg, 1 ; 6 *
ifnb <addreg>
sub addreg, srcreg ; correct 96 * to 90 *
mov zwsp, srcreg
shl srcreg, 1 ; 12 *
shl srcreg, 1 ; 24 *
shl srcreg, 1 ; 48 *
shl srcreg, 1 ; 96 *
ifnb <addreg>
add addreg, srcreg ; 6 * were subtracted before
sub srcreg, zwsp ; 90 * !
YOFFSET macro yco, zwsp, adrreg
mov zwsp&h, yco&l ; select bank
and zwsp&x, 0300h
rept 5
shl zwsp&h, 1 ; 0000 2000 4000 6000
mov adrreg, zwsp&x
shr yco&x, 1 ; 90 * (y mod 4)
shr yco&x, 1 ; y mod 4
MUL90 yco&x, zwsp&x, adrreg ; adrreg = adrreg + 90 * yco&x
XOFFSET macro xco, zwsp, adrreg
ifdif <zwsp>, <xco>
mov zwsp, xco ; x-coordinate
rept 3
shr zwsp, 1
ifnb <adrreg>
add adrreg, zwsp ; pixel byteaddress
BYTEADR macro xco, yco, zwsp, adrreg
YOFFSET yco, zwsp, adrreg ; compute y-Offset
XOFFSET xco, yco&x, adrreg ; add x-byteoffset
; ------------------- end macros ----------------------------------------
MAX_X equ 720 ; maximum pixel x
MAX_Y equ 348 ; maximum pixel y
BEGIN clrgraph
; name clrgraph
; synopsis clrgraph(mask);
; int mask; Color-mask used to clear the screen
; description Clears the graphics screen (page 1) with a
; user-specified attribute (useally 0 or 0ffffh).
push es
mov dx, VIDBASE ; videoram-segment
mov es, dx
xor di, di ; offset zero
cld ; count upward
mov ax, [bp]+X ; load attribute
mov cx, 4000h ; num. words in memory
rep stosw ; clear the page!
pop es
ENDFUNC clrgraph ; done!
BEGIN intoff
; name intoff
; synopsis intoff();
; description This function switches all interrupts (except NMI)
; off.
cli ; only one instruction!
ENDFUNC intoff
BEGIN inton
; name inton
; synopsis inton();
; description This function switches all interrupts on.
sti ; only one instruction!
BEGIN setpixel
; name setpixel
; synopsis setpixel(x, y, color);
; int x, y; coordinate of the pixel
; int color; pixel-color
; description This function sets a pixel of color "color" at
; the specified coordinate.
mov si, [bp]+X ; load x value
cmp si, MAX_X ; x range ok?
jae sexit
mov ax, [bp]+X+2 ; load y value
cmp ax, MAX_Y ; y range ok?
jae sexit
mov bx, [bp]+x+4 ; load color
BYTEADR si, a, c, di ; byteoffset -> di
mov ax, bx ; color,
mov ah, 01h ; use only least significant
and al, ah ; bit!
mov cx, si ; x-coordinate
and cl, 7 ; 7 - last 3 bit
xor cl, 7 ; = Bitoffset
shl ax, cl ; shift color and mask
not ah ; Mask pixel off
mov cx, VIDBASE ; load base adr
mov si, es ; save ES
mov es, cx
mov cl, es:[di] ; read pixel
cmp bx, -1 ; xor?
jne wrtpx
xor cl, al
jmp short rwrt ; rewrite to display
wrtpx: and cl, ah ; clear old color
or cl, al ; set new color
rwrt: mov es: [di], cl ; back to display memory!
mov es, si ; restore saved ES
sexit: LEAVEF ; done!
ENDFUNC setpixel
BEGIN getpixel
; name getpixel
; synopsis color = getpixel(x, y);
; int x, y; coordinate of the pixel
; int color; returned color of that pixel
; description This function reads ("gets") the color of a
; specified pixel.
mov si, [bp]+X ; load x coordinate
cmp si, MAX_X ; x range ok?
jae gexit
mov ax, [bp]+X+2 ; load y coordinate
cmp ax, MAX_Y ; y range ok?
jae gexit
BYTEADR si, a, c, di ; byteoffset -> di
mov ax, VIDBASE ; load segment graphic page 1
mov cx, es ; save ES
mov es, ax
mov bl, es:[di] ; this byte contains the pixel
mov es, cx ; restore saved ES
or bl, bl ; any pixel set?
jz goret ; no, done!
mov cx, si ; x-coordinate
and cl, 7 ; 7 - last 3 bit
xor cl, 7 ; = shiftcount
shr bl, cl ; shift to position 0
and bl, 01 ; last bit only
goret: mov ax, bx ; function result must
gexit: LEAVEF ; be in ax
ENDFUNC getpixel
BEGIN setbyte
; name setbyte
; synopsis setbyte(x, y, gr_byte);
; int x; x-coordinate of the byte, only
; valid if multiple of 8
; int y; y-coordinate of the byte, may have
; any valid value
; int gr_byte; byte of graphics to set
; if (gr_byte >> 8) == 0xff then
; xor vidmem with gr_byte & 0xff!
; description This function puts the graphics pattern contained
; in gr_byte into the adapter memory. Gr_byte must
; be a multiple of 8, all other values are invalid
; and will be rounded. Gr_byte is defined as con-
; secutive 8 pixles on the x-axis.
; warning This function is only available with the hercules
; driver. It schould be treated as available internal
; to the grphics library only. If you have to use it,
; use conditional compilation, too. This function is
; only available when #ifdef HERCGRAF == true!
mov si, [bp]+X ; load x value
cmp si, MAX_X ; x range ok?
jae bexit
mov ax, [bp]+X+2 ; load y value
cmp ax, MAX_Y ; y range ok?
jae bexit
; everything ok - can perform my job.
mov bx, [bp]+X+4 ; load graphics information
BYTEADR si, a, c, di ; byteoffset -> di
mov cx, VIDBASE ; load base adr of page 1
mov si, es ; save ES
mov es, cx
cmp bh, 0ffh ; xor byte?
jne endbyt
xor es: [di], bl
jmp short endsb
endbyt: mov es: [di], bl ; set screen memory
endsb: mov es, si ; restore saved ES
bexit: LEAVEF ; done!
ENDFUNC setbyte
BEGIN getbyte
; name getbyte
; synopsis gr_byte = getbyte(x, y);
; int x; x-coordinate of the byte, only
; valid if multiple of 8
; int y; y-coordinate of the byte, may have
; any valid value
; int gr_byte; byte of graphics to read
; description This function reads the whole byte of graphics at
; the specified position. That means, it read 8
; consecutive pixel.
; warning This function is only available with the hercules
; driver. It schould be treated as available internal
; to the grphics library only. If you have to use it,
; use conditional compilation, too. This function is
; only available when #ifdef HERCGRAF == true!
mov si, [bp]+X ; load x value
cmp si, MAX_X ; x range ok?
jae gbexit
mov ax, [bp]+X+2 ; load y value
cmp ax, MAX_Y ; y range ok?
jae gbexit
BYTEADR si, a, c, di ; byteoffset -> di
mov cx, VIDBASE ; load base adr of page 1
mov si, es ; save ES
mov es, cx
mov al, es: [di] ; get 8 pixel
and ax, 0ffh ; mask off high byte
mov es, si ; restore saved ES
gbexit: LEAVEF ; done!
ENDFUNC getbyte